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               JULY 2024
1st - Bob and Carol
2nd - Charlie, Trish, Natasha
3rd - Bill and Lee
4th - Kelly
5th - Barb
7th -  JBall
9th - Wendy, Les and Elaine, Glenda and Alphonse
10th - Jack and Daphyne
11th - Charlie,  Trish
12th - Renate, Clive
14th - JBall
16th - Natasha, Christine
17th - Bill and Lee, Gail
18th - Kelly
19th - Laura, Clive
20th - JBall
24th - Trish
25th - Anette
26th - Clive, Laura
28th - JBall
30th - Wendy, Les and Elaine
31st - Bill and Lee

             August 2024

1st - Kelly, Chris

2nd - Renate, Clive

3rd - JBall

7th - Charlie, Jack and Daphyne, Trish

8th - Kelly, Anette, Theresa

9th - Laura, Clive, Courtenay

12th - JBall

13th - Wendy, Les and Elaine

14th - Bill and Lee, Trish

15th - Kelly, Christine

16th - Clive, Laura, 

18th - JBall

19th - Charlie

20th - Gail, Glenda & Alphonse

22nd - Kelly, Anette, Christine

23rd - Laura, Clive, Renate

25th - JBall

27th - Wendy, Charlie

28th - Bill and Lee, Trish


    September 2024

2nd - Kate, JBall

3rd - Charlie, Chris, Natasha

4th - Christine

5th - Kelly, Anette

6th - Clive, Laura

8th - JBall

10th - Glenda and Alphonse, Wendy

11th - Bill and Lee, Christine

12th - Kelly, Trish

13th - Renate, Clive

17th - Natasha

19th - Kelly, Les and Elaine

20th - Laura, Clive, Gail, JBall

24th - Wendy, Kate

25th - Bill and Lee, Trish, Christine

26th - Anette

27th - Kelly, Clive, JBall

          October 2024

1st - Glenda and Alphonse, Natasha

3rd - Kelly, Kate, Trish, Courtenay

4th - Renate, Clive, Laura

6th - JBall

8th - Wendy

9th - Bill and Lee, Trish, Naomi

10th - Kelly, Anette, Christine

11th - JBall

15th - Natasha

17th - Kelly, Christine

18th - Charlie, Laura, Clive, JBall

22nd - Wendy, Glenda and Alphonse

23rd - Bill and Lee, Trish

24th - Kelly, Anette, Christine

25th - Laura, Clive, JBall

29th - Natasha

31st - Kelly, Christine


          November 2024


          December 2024​​​

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